Should I use a new plastic bowling ball for all spares shots?

       Some bowlers use plastic bowling balls for spares but not all bowlers use a plastic ball. Some bowlers use the bowling ball that they are striking with to pick up spares. But most bowlers use plastic for their spares. Plastic bowling balls don’t hook and using a plastic bowling ball is great for getting ten pins or any single pin spares. If you have a new plastic bowling ball, I would use that for all spares. You brought it so you should use it when you can. But some spares and splits, you may need to use a hook ball

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How much money can I get from bowling tournaments?

       We are not talking about PBA tournaments which is very hard to get into but you can make a lot of money. But tournaments at your local bowling alley is different because anyone can win and there is some money to be made. Some tournaments, you can get paid $1000 to $2000 in some tournaments but it really depends on how many people signups for the tournaments. Most and pretty much all tournaments have a bowling fee in order to bowl and that fee can be $25 per person or $50 per person and the higher the fee, the more

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Do you enjoy watching bowling on TV?

       Yes I enjoy watching bowling on TV and by watching on TV, this is when you can learn the most for free. I look at the bowling that they are using, the ball speed, where they line up at on the lane, the bowlers release my the bowling ball. I look for a lot of things while watching bowling on TV. I like that every bowlers has their own way of bowling and not one bowler bowls the same. If you want to learn more about bowling, then I would watching the pro bowlers bowl on TV to get some

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How often do they wax the lanes at a bowling alley?

       This is a good question, what I have seen from different bowling alleys is that they will oil the lanes right before they close for the morning or they may oil early in the morning. Next they may oil in the afternoon if they have a lot of people bowling on the lanes. The one thing that they will do is oil the lanes before any bowling leagues starts. After the league is over, they may oil right after that or oil the lanes in the morning. So I would say bowling alleys oil the lanes about 3 times per

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Is bowling based on any skill or just luck?

       Bowling can be both skill and some luck, more skill than luck. I have seen bowlers get lucky and get a few strikes just on luck. Luck will run out in the game of bowling and that’s when you will need some skill. Bowling is based on skill, it’s always good to have some luck but were luck will run out sooner than later. You can get a few Brooklyn strikes but you can’t keep getting those type of strikes. So I think all sports have luck but that luck will run out sooner than later and skill will be

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Do pro bowlers use their thumb?

       I think about 80% of pro bowlers use their thumb to bowl. The other 20% uses two hands or no thumb at all. The game has changed over time and more and more bowlers are now uses two hands to bowl. You do have more power if you use two hands and some bowlers feel that you have more power if you don’t use your thumb. But yes pro bowlers do use their thumb to bowl.

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Is there any benefit to putting your thumb in a bowling ball before your fingers?

       There is no benefit in putting in your thumb first before your fingers. Is just a common thing that bowlers do since when you release your bowling ball, the first finger that should come out is your thumb. The last two fingers that comes out of the bowling ball is the middle finger and your ring finger. Since your thumb goes for the much part all the way in your thumb hole, most bowlers would do that first and fingers since it’s not going all the way down can go in last. It does not matter which way you do

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Why don’t house balls curve but custom balls do?

       House balls are not built to curve. You can curve if you want to but the house ball was built for bowling straight. Now a custom bowling ball can be also not curve if you buy a plastic bowling ball. You will need to buy an active resin bowling ball that is built for hooking. Active resin bowling is made to hook and that why it cost money. The house ball is something that you use when you don’t have any bowling ball with you and it’s just for fun. The house bowling balls are made for people who just

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Do toddlers need to wear bowling shoes?

       Yes, toddlers need to wear bowling shoes while they bowl. Bowling shoes are built for bowling and these shoe can help toddlers not fall while bowling. Also when people wear regular shoes on the bowling lanes, they will put dirt and whatever is on the shoes from the outside which can make someone fall or that stick their slide. This is why everyone from toddlers to adults needs to wear bowling shoes. Bowling shoes will help the lanes from getting dirty and help you slide better to bowl. When going to the bathroom, please take off your bowling shoes due

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Does Target have bowling shoes?

       Well when I type in bowling shoes in targets search bar, I didn’t see any bowling shoes and what I saw was some non-slip sneakers from skechers. Here’s what I saw online if you want to check it out for yourself: Maybe in the future they may have some bowlers shoes but as of right now I don’t see any but maybe I missed online. If you want some bowling shoes check out this site: or try your local bowling shop to buy some shoes.

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