Why is the game of bowling so expensive?

Well with the price of everting going up and the bowling alley added new things to do there, the price goes up. Bowling alleys are different today than 10 years ago. The bowling alleys have updated the center for the most part and most bowling alleys have other things to do like play pool, darts, having a bar and food and room that you can rent. The best thing that you can do is find out when they will have cheaper prices during the week. They may have deals late nights and during the week while people are at work.

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Why do you polish a bowling ball?

A polish bowling ball tends to store more energy down than any other bowling balls. Putting polish bowling ball when help the ball hook later down lane. A polish bowling ball is very good on dry lanes due to the polish that can hold energy down lane so will not hook to early. You can polish any bowling ball and you and more polish to a bowling but I would add too much. You can take off the polish or reduce the amount of polish that can fit what you want to do. If you take your bowling ball to

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How long is a game of bowling for 6 people?

Well I can sat this, when I bowl in a 5 man bowling league which there are 5 bowlers on each team, that would take about 4 hours give or take. Now since you have half of that and you can 3 bowlers on one lane and 3 bowlers on the other lane, it should take about 1 and a half. It should no take long just as long as people bowl at a good pace. People takes time when they buy and eat food or smoke outside and go to the bathroom. If the bowlers are getting strikes, the

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What is a good business strategy for a bowling alley?

Bowling alleys has come a long way from back in the day on the things that you can do now. Back then, the only thing you can go really is bowl. Bowling alleys did have a bar and have food but that was it. Today bowling alleys have a lot of things to do. If you just look at the newer bowling alleys have today, they have very business and a lot of ways to make money. There is a bowling alley called uptown alley and they have two floor and both floors have blowing alleys on them. The bottom

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Is bowling based on any luck or just skill?

Sometimes in bowling or any sports there is some luck. Have you ever seen a basketball player hit a shoot from half court? There is some luck in bowling and the biggest break that I see getting a Brooklyn strike. I have seen bowler get a lot of those in one game and that is pure luck but that luck will run out sooner that later and you need some skill at the end of the day. Bowling is based on skill, all skill and that goes for any sport that we know. You can’t be good with only luck

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What do you do for good luck when bowling?

Some people do different thing in bowling for luck and sometimes those things work. I have seen people wear their favorite team shirt or hat when bowling. I have seen people bring their boyfriend or girlfriend to the bowling alley and they feel that they can bring them luck. My wife nick name at the bowling alley is lady luck because I tend to bowl better with her there. You just have to find that one thing that can bring in some luck if you need it. Sometimes I wear a Kobe Bryant jersey for more luck since he is

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What are some good bowling league names?

Well in you are a bowling league and the first order of business is coming up with a team name. There so many different teams names that can be used. I seen teams with basketball teams and football team names. I seen teams with their favorite TV show for a team name. I seen teams called the High rollers just because there whole team can bowl well. You can based the name on a movie or song. Maybe the whole team all have one thing in common and that can be the team name. Below are some bowling league teams

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How do I generate more bowling ball speed?

Generating more ball speed is nothing new to bowling and it is very easy to do. Most bowlers think that all you have to do is throw the bowling ball harder or with more power to make more bowling speed. You can do that but that may put more pressure on your body and you can’t aim by throw the bowling ball harder. The best thing that you can do is step back from your approach on the lane. Stepping back a foot will increase your bowling speed. Keep this in mind, the closer you are to the foul line,

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Can you switch balls in bowling?

Yes you can and you can switch bowling balls at any time during the game. Switching bowling balls is a good thing to do if you need to or the lane is starting to change. Over time the oil will start to be pushed up the lane or start to dry up and some bowlers will change bowling balls to something that can handle dryer lanes. Maybe there is heavy oil on the lane and you may need to change to a stronger bowling ball. Yes you can switch bowling balls while bowling if you need to. The best thing

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