Can you be a good bowler if you can’t play multiple parts of the lane?

Bowling is a game is having the right bowling ball at the right time and it’s about finding the right path on the bowing lane to get the most strikes. Pro bowlers for the most part play different or multiple parts of the lane. What I see most league bowlers do is they play the part of the lane that they know best and once that spot is gone or the oil is gone, they have a hard time to move to a new place on the floor. To be a great all around bowler, you need to learn how to bowl on different and multiple parts of the lane.

Can you be a good bowler if you can’t play multiple parts of the lane?

Yes can be a good bowler if you can’t play multiple parts of the lane but how long will that last. Yes you can be really good at throwing the bowling ball in and down but when it’s time to move from the spot because of the oil is gone and you are missing the pocket, you can move and hook the ball more. This what makes pro bowlers the best in the world. They can bowl on multiple different part’s on the lane on different types of oil patterns.

So yes you should learn how to play different or multiple parts of the lane. This will help you be a better bowler overall and you can play different parts of the lane when it’s time to move. This takes times and you can practice this in your free time and try your best to learn how to roll your bowling ball in multiple parts of the lane, this will make you better and when it’s time to adjust or move from you spot, you can because you have been practicing over time.