Do bowlers on the PBA Tour use new bowling balls in every tournament?

When it comes to professional bowling, there is some debate over whether or not the participants use new bowling balls in every tournament. Some say that they do, while others claim that they don’t. So, what’s the truth? Well, the truth is that professional bowlers do use new bowling balls in every tournament.

However, most of them only use their new ball for a few games before switching to another one. This is because the professionals are always trying out new equipment to see which ones will give them the best performance.

Well, it seems that most professional bowlers do indeed use new bowling balls in each and every tournament. This is likely due to the fact that bowling balls can become damaged after repeated use, which can impact a bowler’s performance. Plus, using a new ball can give a bowler an advantage over his or her opponents.

So, if you’re planning on competing on the PBA Tour someday, be sure to bring plenty of new bowling balls with you!


The PBA Tour is a professional bowling tour for men and women. It is owned and operated by the Professional Bowlers Association (PBA). The PBA Tour consists of two parts: the PBA League and the PBA Regional Tour.

The PBA League is a made up of eight teams of five players each. The league season runs from January to April, with each team playing in three tournaments. The top four teams advance to the playoffs, which are held in Las Vegas in May.

The PBA Regional Tour consists of more than 50 tournaments across the United States. Regional events are open to any member of the PBA who meets the eligibility requirements. Players can earn points toward qualifying for the PBA World Championship by competing in regional events.

Why bowlers might want to use new bowling balls in tournaments.

While some bowlers on the PBA Tour may choose to use new bowling balls in every tournament, others may only use them when they feel it is necessary. There are a few reasons why a bowler might want to use a new ball in a tournament.

One reason is that using a new ball can give the bowler an advantage over their opponents. When everyone is using the same lane conditions, having a new ball that hooks more can be the difference between winning and losing.

Another reason bowlers might choose to use new balls is because it can help them avoid problems with their old balls. If a bowler has been having trouble with their old ball hooking too much or not enough, using a new ball can help them get back on track.

The benefits of using used bowling balls.

When it comes to bowling balls, professional bowlers on the PBA Tour usually use new balls in every tournament. However, there are some benefits to using used bowling balls.

For one, used bowling balls can be a lot cheaper than buying new ones. This is especially helpful for bowlers who are just starting out and don’t have a lot of money to spend on equipment.

Another benefit of using used bowling balls is that they can often be “broken in” or more flexible than brand new balls. This can help with hooks and other shots that require a softer ball.

Of course, not all used bowling balls are created equal. It’s important to inspect any used ball you’re considering buying to make sure there are no cracks or major damage that could affect your game.


When it comes to using new versus used bowling balls on the PBA Tour, there are pros and cons to both.

New bowling balls offer a consistent feel and performance from ball to ball, which can be helpful for Tour players who are looking for consistency in their game. However, new bowling balls can also be more expensive than used ones, and they may not provide the same “hook” potential that a well-broken-in ball might have.

Used bowling balls, on the other hand, can be cheaper and may provide more hook potential due to their already-broken-in surfaces. However, they may not be as consistent from ball to ball as new ones, and they may not last as long.