Does a heavier bowling ball hook more?

Bowling ball weight and hook

A bowling ball’s weight does affect its hook. The heavier the ball, the more potential energy it has to create a greater force when it hits the pins. The extra weight also means the ball can create more friction with the lane, giving it more spin. This can lead to a higher score if you know how to use it correctly.

Of course, you don’t want to go too heavy or else you won’t be able to control the ball as well. Most beginners start with a 10-pound ball and then move up from there. If you’re having trouble hooking the ball, try increasing the weight by a pound or two until you find the sweet spot. 4. Ball Radius

The ball’s radius is the distance between the outside of the ball and its center. This measurement can vary from one bowling ball to another even if they’re the same weight, which affects how much hook you might get on your shot. Click here to check out some heavier bowling balls:

How does weight affect bowling ball hook?

While it is generally accepted that a heavier bowling ball will hook more, there is some debate as to how much weight actually affects hook. Some say that as long as the ball is not too light or too heavy, the weight will not make much of a difference. Others claim that even a small difference in weight can affect hook.

So, how does weight actually affect bowling ball hook? It is believed that the heavier the ball, the more centrifugal force is created. This force pushes the ball outwards, away from the center of rotation. The greater the centrifugal force, the more outward push on the ball, and the greater the hook.

Some argue that while weight may create more centrifugal force, it does not necessarily mean that it will create more hook.

Does a heavier bowling ball really hook more?

A heavier bowling ball will hook more because the extra weight makes it easier to rotate the ball. The greater mass also means that the ball will have more inertia, making it harder to stop the ball from hooking. If you are looking to increase your hook, using a heavier bowling ball is a good option.

What’s the best weight for your bowling ball?

When it comes to choosing a weight for your bowling ball, the best thing to do is to try out a few different weights and see what works best for you. There is no perfect weight for everyone, as each person’s bowling style and technique is different. However, generally speaking, a heavier ball will hook more than a lighter ball.

If you are just starting out, it is probably best to choose a ball that is around 10-12 pounds. This will be easy to control and will help you get a feel for how much power you need to put behind your throw. Once you have mastered the basics, you can experiment with different weights to see what gives you the best results. Click here to check out some heavier bowling balls:

So, what is the best weight for your bowling ball? The answer is: it depends! Try out a few different weights and see what works best for you.


A heavier bowling ball does hook more, but not by much. The difference is less than one inch, on average. If you are a recreational bowler who wants to improve your game, buying a heavier ball is not going to make much of a difference.