Does physical strength matter in bowling?

Yes it does and with the newer bowling ball coming out that are very strong, with bowlers now using two hands to bowl with all that power, yes physical strength does matter in bowling. For the most part, the more power you can put onto a bowling ball, the more pin action you will have and the more pins will fall down. Now you don’t need a whole lot of physical strength, just enough to knock down some pins. Most men can throw a bowling ball 14 to 15 MPH which is pretty nice speed. Most women can throw a bowling ball 13 to 14 MPH is good as well.

When you start seeing MPH in the 11 to 12, then it’s not going to give you that pin action that you need. Yes physical strength matter in bowling but you don’t need it for bowling, just bowl and use what you have. Sometimes physical strength can be a bad thing if you throwing the ball to hard and missing your mark, when someone is throwing the ball much slower than you hitting the mark and getting strikes.