How hard is it to bowl a 300 game?

It is hard to bowl a 300 game? If I hard to rate it 1 out of 10, I would give it a 9. At the time of me writing this blog post, I have never rolled a 300 game. My highest games was 299. In the that game, in the first frame I rolled a flat 10 pin. I picked up the spare and strike all the way out. It is not easy to roll a 300 game. I think that sometimes you do need some luck and the lanes must play in your favor.

You must be on your game while throwing a 300 game. It’s easy in the earlier frames but when it gets to the 8th frame, the 9th frame and the 10th frame, things start to change. People start to sit and watch you bowl to see if you roll that 300 game but sometimes that can hurt you cause of that pressure. I get nervous when I have 8 strikes in a row and people are looking which they are not doing anything wrong but it does put some pressure on you.

Your hands may get shaky, your mind starts to over think what’s going on. You start think about how you roll the ball, the speed of the ball and one wrong move, your 300 game is gone. Even the pro’s on TV when they have all strikes till the 10th frame and on the last ball for the 300 game, they miss it badly, but because they are not good, just the pressure adds up.

When bowling for a 300 game, it’s physical game and a metal working at the same time. Let’s be honest, it do not happen all the time where you roll 12 straight strikes in a row. So when a does happen, you don’t know how to handle cause you have not done this enough to get use to it. My high game was a 299 but I did roll a 804 set in league which is hard to do. Rolling a 804 set is like I average a 265 per game, now that is not easy and I bowled 2 800 games and I can tell you that doing that is no joke. I can tell you how I handle bowling pressure so you can roll that 300 game.

How to bowl a 300 game:

One thing that I like to do is have a good mindset. think like you are going to bowl good tonight, and keep it mind that this is a game. If you bowl in a league, think about what you did last week that you did wrong and how to fix that. If you can’t hit the 10 pin then you should work on that.

If you are playing in a league, you should get there early enough so you can get your gear on and ready to start practice during shadow bowling. Shadow bowling is if you bowling league starts at 6:30 then a 6:20 you can practice on the lanes that you will be bowling on for 10 mins. During this time is very important cause now you can test out all of your bowling balls and see which one works best.

It’s also a good time to get warmed up. Use all of the bowling ball you have to see which one works best and try to shoot at some spares that you have a hard time picking up. My last tip is if you are bowling good and you all these strikes in a row, the best thing that I can tell is to not think too much. Thinking about the strikes gets in your mind, thinking about the lanes and should you change the way you are bowling can creep into your mind.

Make moves if you need to but when I threw my 800 sets, I was not thing about moving, I was not thinking about nothing to be honest. I was just rolling the ball to my spot on the floor. Sometimes the less you think, the better you bowl. I also when I put my hand in the ball and get into my approach, I just go. I don’t sit there a wait, I place my hand in the game and 1 second later my rolling it. Of you just sit there on you approach, you may start to think to much. These are my tips on mental game of rolling a 300 game.