How often should you sanitize a bowling ball

Common misconceptions about bowling ball sanitation

One of the most common questions that bowling alley employees get is how often a bowler should sanitize their ball. There are a lot of different schools of thought on this topic, and it can be confusing for bowlers who just want to stay safe and keep their equipment clean. Here are some of the most common misconceptions about bowling ball sanitation.

One misconception is that you need to sanitize your ball after every use. This is simply not true. As long as you are the only one using your ball and you are not sharing it with anyone else, you can go several uses without having to worry about sanitizing it.

Of course, if you do happen to drop your ball in something dirty or if it otherwise comes into contact with something unsanitary, you will want to clean it right away.

How often to sanitize: every few games

It’s important to keep your bowling ball clean, but you don’t need to sanitize it after every game. A good rule of thumb is to sanitize it every few games, or whenever it starts to feel grimy.

To sanitize your ball, start by wiping it down with a clean towel. Then, using a mild soap and warm water, scrub the ball all over. Rinse it well and dry it off before storing it in its bag.

Why: oil and sweat build up, affecting performance

Oil and sweat can build up on a bowling ball and affect its performance. The oil can make the ball slippery, and the sweat can make it sticky. This can make it difficult to grip the ball, and it can also cause the ball to lose its spin. If you are having trouble with your bowling ball, you may need to clean it more often.

Bowling ball cleaner

When it comes to cleaning your bowling ball, a good rule of thumb is to do it after every use. This will help to remove any dirt, oil, or grime that has built up on the ball during your game. There are a few different ways that you can clean your ball, but one of the most effective is to use a bowling ball cleaner.

Bowling ball cleaners are designed specifically to clean and protect your ball. They often come in a kit that includes a solution and a polishing pad. To use the cleaner, simply apply it to the ball and rub it in using the polishing pad. Once you have cleaned the entire ball, rinse it off with water and dry it with a soft cloth.

Cleaning your bowling ball with a cleaner after each use will help to keep it in good condition for many games to come. For the best bowling ball cleaner, you can click here to go to Amazon for the one that I use to keep my bowling balls clean and at peak condition

Keep your ball clean for peak performance

A bowling ball is one of the most important pieces of equipment a bowler has. It is important to keep your ball clean so that it performs at its best.

You should clean your ball after each use. You can use a mild soap and water solution or a commercial bowling ball cleaner. Be sure to rinse your ball thoroughly after cleaning it.

You should also sanitize your ball every few weeks. You can do this by soaking it in a solution of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water for 30 minutes. After sanitizing, rinse your ball well and dry it with a soft cloth.

By keeping your bowling ball clean, you will help ensure that it performs at its best and lasts for many years.