How to bowl with long nails?

Bowling a high score is hard to do but it’s even harder when you are bowling with long nails. For me, I don’t have long nails but my cousin who had long nails went though some changes she had to do in order to bowl better. Keep in mind me and her was on the same team for league play so I know what she went through with bowling with log nails so in this post I will tell you how she did it and some tips to bowl. This tips for woman who bowls for fun and who bowls in a league.

Get a bigger ball:

This applies to people who bowls for fun. If you fit a medium size ball, try to get a large size ball instead. This way you can squeeze your fingers inside the ball to grip the ball better and this will decrease the chance of you breaking your nails. You won’t be on target as you like but your nails will be better off. Also getting a lighter ball will help by having less pressure on your hand and nails.

Use Bowling tape:  

Use bowling tape and if you tape up your nails would help also. It gives you more support for your nails and it will give you more support for you hand as well.  Now I know putting bowling tape on your hand does not look good but it should help with your nails. If you want some good tape for your nail click here for the one I use.

Cut your nails down evenly:

If you plan to bowl more than once per week or you find yourself wanting to bowl in a league the best thing you can do is to cut your nails.  You don’t have to cut them all off, just even them up. My cousin had to cut them off just to bowl full time and that worked for her. And she still had them done and looking nice but just short nails not long. So if you plan on going bowling on the weekend, don’t get your nails done till under you bowl.

All the female bowlers I have seen all have shorter nails so they can grip the ball. If you don’t have tape to use the best thing you can do is to use a lighter ball so you wont break your nail.