Why does my hand feel weak after going bowling?

Well there are a few reason why your hand can feel weak after going bowling. If you are not use to bowling a lot or sometimes, then your body or hands may feel weak from bowling since you do not bowl like that. I remember when I took off from bowling for 1 yeah and a half, when I bowled for the first time, my wrist was sore, my hands, knees and hips so hurting just because I have not bowled in a long time. After I bowled a few more times, then I started feeling better so just maybe your body is not use to bowling or using your hands in that way from bowling. If your hands are hurting and you bowl all the time, then something else is wrong and I would talk to your doctor to see what’s is going on with your hands feeling weak after bowling. If you just need some support for your hands, I would use a hand or wrist support to hurt with weak hand. Below is the one I would use: