Equipment needed to become a pro bowler?

Bowling is a sport where you do need good and up to date equipment to be great. You need the right equipment or ball for the lane cause every lane is different and there are different oil patterns. Not every bowling ball works with any lane. You need the right bowling ball with the right lane so what equipment is needed to be a pro bowler or just a good bowler.

The bowling ball bag:

It’s all good to have bowling balls but in need a good bowling bag to carrier your bowling balls, bowling shoes, cleaning equipment, bowling tape and other things that you may need. Starting off you can get a 2 ball bag to start but over time as you buy more things you may need a 3 to 4 ball bag. I started with a 2 ball bag but over time I needed a 4 ball bag. I needed a bowling ball for dry lanes, a ball for medium oil lanes and a ball for oily lanes with a plastic ball for picking up spares.  I think most pros use a 5 to 6 ball bag cause they have a lot of bowling balls and they change equipment all the time. So getting a good bowling ball bag it key. If you are looking for one you can click here to check out the one I use:

The right bowling ball:

This part is tricky cause every bowling ball is different and they do different things on different oil patterns.  With the pros, they will have the same ball but drilled with different lay outs. One ball will go longer down then lane and the other ball will go shorter down the lane. So it’s hard to tell you what bring to buy but there is one thing that you can do that I do all the time. I have bowling balls made for each land condition. I have a heavy oil ball, I have a medium oil ball and a dry lane ball. I for the most part stick with the heavy oil ball to start the game but as time goes on and the oil starts breaking down I can move left with the same ball of change to my medium oil ball. it depends on the lane and how my first ball is doing. Also note  that having options is key. You don’t want to be stuck with one ball when you can change it up.

There are other things to think about getting like bowling tape, bowling shoes, and other things but the best thing you can have is good bowling skills cause you are the one rolling the ball down the lane. So it’s on you to roll the ball the right way. Below I will have a list of equipment that I use when I bowl and you can check them out.

Bowling bag: Click here

Bowling tape: Click here

Bowling shoes: Click here

Bowling ball cleaner: Click here