how to eat a high carb meal on the keto diet and not gain weight

This post does not have much with bowling but If you didn’t know I have been the keto diet for about 5 months now and I have learned a lot about the diet and what not to do and what to do. If you are in while you bowl with knee pain or back pain or any kind of pain the keto diet will help with that. Losing weight will help your bowling game and this is the best diet to help. In this post I will go over what I learned from keto. Please note I am not a health expert or a doctor. These are my results.

Take some apple cider vinegar to help lower the sugar  

Yes doing one meal a day is the best way to eat a high carb meal and still do keto. Take Thanksgiving, we go to our family homes or host at our place, we cook all these foods to eat. There pies and cakes and food that does not go well with keto. So how can you eat all this great food and still do keto.

Here’s what I did, I first take apple cider vinegar before the meal. I have done so research and it looks like that apple cider vinegar can lower your blood sugar and lower the carb load to your body. Which means when you eat carbs, it won’t hit as hard. Let’s say you eat a meal which has 100 carbs total. If you drink a shot of apple cider vinegar, the carb load may be 60 total carbs that your body will take it.

I am not a doctor or a dietitian, I found this info online. So I take a shot before a high carb meal and I take a shot after the meal. I will sometimes to a shot before bed to help lower my sugar. So I take apple cider vinegar when we go out of town and take more vinegar around the holiday season. Since I have been doing this method, I have not gain any weight in fact I feel like I lose some weight.

So try apple cider vinegar before and after high carb meals. If you click here: this link you take you to amazon to see different types of vinegar, make sure it’s organic and raw with the mother.  

Try to do a one day fast or one meal a day

There are so many benefits about fasting and it works so well with doing keto. Keto helps you fast because you can go longer without eating. Right now I eat two meals a day I and don’t be hungry and I have a ton of energy. Let’s take again thanksgiving, all I do is eat only the thanksgiving dinner for my one meal a day. I eat up everything but I didn’t eat breakfast or snacks.

Here’s what I think, if you eat carbs all day at some point you will gain weight cause your body is trying to first lower the blood sugar and then your body to trying to use the carbs or store as fat. There is nothing wrong with this but if you keep eating the sugar and carbs all the time and don’t give your body to break down the carbs, you will gain weight.

So I think eating a high carb meal once every 2 to 3 weeks is ok. Your body will break down the carbs faster since you are not adding more carbs. It’s like changing a battery for 5 mins and trying to use it. The battery won’t last long because you didn’t give it time to charge and the same thing with eating carbs. Give your body time burn up the sugar and carbs. Remember our bodies can run on sugar and ketones you don’t want to keep pumping that into your blood stream

I know something your family may do a breakfast before the main meal of the day. You can skip that meal if you are not hungry or just you the fats

To recap everything, take some apple cider vinegar to help low the sugar intake and lower the sugar. Try to eat a one day fast only eating the big meal and nothing else. This will give your body time to burn up the sugar but if you keep eating sugar, will you not lose any weight. Below I made a video explaining the keto diet and my results and to hacks you can do on keto.

Back to bowling, the keto diet works really well with bowling. People don’t know but if you bowl all the time you may get some back pain, knee pain and shoulder pain. Keto helps with the pain for the whole body. Please share my video