How fast should you throw a bowling ball?

Discover the Ideal Bowling Ball Speed: Tips from Pro Bowlers



An important aspect of being a successful bowler is finding the optimal bowling ball speed for your individual style. In this article, we’ll explore the ideal bowling ball speed, how to calculate your own speed, and how to improve and control your throw. Take advice from the pros and strike your way to victory!

What is the USBC recommended bowling ball speed?

According to the United States Bowling Congress (USBC), the ideal bowling ball speed depends on several factors, including the skill level of the bowler, the lane conditions, and the type of bowling balls being used. To achieve the best results, it’s crucial to maintain the right speed and understand its role in the bowling world.

Average bowling speed for amateurs

For average bowlers, the typical ball speed is between 11 and 13 miles per hour (mph) when the ball is released onto the lane. Amateurs may throw the ball too hard or too soft, leading to reduced accuracy and impact with the pins. By honing their speed control, amateur bowlers can improve their skills and achieve more strikes.

Target speed range for professional bowlers

Professional bowlers generally target a ball speed of 16-17 miles per hour (mph) when the ball hits the pins. This optimal speed allows the bowling ball to travel down the lane efficiently and deliver a strong hit upon impact. Achieving consistent ball speed is a key factor in becoming a successful pro bowler.

How lane conditions affect ideal bowling ball speed

Lane conditions play a significant role in determining the ideal bowling ball speed. Different oil patterns and lane surfaces may require adjustments in a bowler’s speed and approach. Mastering the art of speed control according to the given conditions can boost your performance and increase your chances of securing a strike.

How to calculate your bowling ball speed

Calculating your bowling ball speed is essential to understand your performance and make necessary improvements. Let’s dive into the methods that can help you measure and compare your speed to that of professionals.

Methods for measuring speed during practice

One way to measure your bowling ball speed is by using a stopwatch or smartphone app with a timer. Record the time it takes for your ball to travel from the release point to the impact point with the pins. Divide the distance (usually 60 feet) by the elapsed time to determine your average speed in mph.

Ball speed chart: compare your speed to pros

A ball speed chart can help you compare your speed with that of professional bowlers. These charts display various speed ranges and corresponding performance results, helping you identify areas for improvement. By studying a bowling ball speed chart, you can gain insights into the ideal speed and techniques suited for your style.

Adjusting your approach based on calculated speed

Once you’ve calculated your average ball speed, you can make adjustments to your approach and technique to achieve your desired speed. Focus on aspects such as your footwork, arm swing, and release to tailor your delivery and optimize your strikes. Remember that good bowling involves both speed and accuracy.


Increasing your bowling ball speed safely

When attempting to increase your bowling ball speed, it’s crucial to do so safely to avoid injuries or sacrificing accuracy. Consider the following techniques and exercises to improve your throw strength and speed.

Techniques to gain momentum without sacrificing accuracy

To increase your bowling ball speed, focus on developing a smooth and controlled approach. Implement a balanced and consistent arm swing, and work on your delivery timing to gain momentum without sacrificing accuracy. Remember that a fast ball speed is only effective if you can maintain control and precision.

Key factors affecting the speed of a bowling ball

Several factors can affect the speed of a bowling ball, including its weight, your throwing technique, and the lane conditions. By understanding these elements and adjusting your approach accordingly, you can optimize your ball speed and increase your strike potential.

Exercises to improve your throw strength and speed

Specific exercises, such as strength training and flexibility routines, can help improve your throw strength and speed. Incorporate exercises like resistance band training, wrist curls, and shoulder rotations into your routine to enhance your bowling performance and reduce the risk of injury.

How important is ball speed in relation to other factors?

Ball speed is a crucial aspect of bowling, but it’s essential to understand its role in relation to other contributing factors. Let’s explore when to prioritize speed over other aspects and how different bowling styles affect strike potential.

Role of ball speed and rev rates on lane conditions

Both ball speed and rev rates play essential roles in navigating various lane conditions. A faster ball with a lower rev rate may skid further on oily lanes, while a slower ball with a high rev rate may hook too soon on dry lanes. Experiment with different speed and rev combinations to find the optimal balance that works well for your style and the given lane conditions.

When to prioritize speed over other aspects of your bowl

It’s crucial to prioritize speed when you need to break through stubborn pin formations or navigate tricky lane conditions. However, speed should never be prioritized over accuracy, as precision is a key component of a successful bowl. Strive to strike the right balance between speed and control in your throw.

Strike potential and the optimal speed for different bowling styles

Different bowling styles call for different optimal speeds. Straight bowlers might benefit from a faster ball speed, whereas hook bowlers may need to focus more on accuracy and rev rate. Identify the best bowling ball speed for your style to maximize your chances of striking and improve your overall performance.

Controlling your bowling ball speed like a pro


Mastering the art of speed control is essential for success in the world of bowling. Let’s dive into the link between increased speed and control, how pro bowlers maintain consistent speeds, and how you can manage your speed and accuracy under pressure.

The link between increased speed and control

Improving your speed can positively impact your control, but only if you prioritize technique and precision. Focus on maintaining a smooth, consistent approach and delivery while increasing your bowling ball speed for the best results.

How pro bowlers maintain consistent speeds with various bowling balls

Professional bowlers are skilled at adjusting their throw for different bowling balls and conditions, maintaining consistent speeds in the process. By developing a strong foundation in technique, timing, and delivery, pros are able to achieve a steady ball speed regardless of the ball or conditions they face.

Tips to manage your bowling speed and accuracy under pressure

To manage your bowling speed and accuracy under pressure, practice relaxation techniques and focus on your approach and delivery. Concentrate on your breathing, visualize success, and trust your training to maintain control in high-stress situations. As your abilities grow, so will your confidence in navigating challenging bowling scenarios.

In conclusion, it’s important to understand the ideal bowling ball speed for your unique style, develop a consistent approach, and strike a balance between speed and accuracy. With dedication and practice, you’ll be well on your way to dominating the lanes!